Sunday, July 13, 2008

Feeding the alligators.

Haylie is proud of her catch...she caught at least half of the 12 fish reeled in.

More stolling on the beach.

Haylie, Zach and Abby during a sunset stroll at the beach.

I mean great sport.

Uncle Sean is a good sport...

Papa and Grandma hang out with the Grandchildren in Savannah.

Bif Popoo and Zach enjoy the waves.
Haylie could not get enough of the beach life.

Sean giving Grandma "whisker kisses".

Hanging out by the pool on vacation.
Scott family at Tybee Island, Ga

Jason went to see USA vs. Argentina at sold out Giant Stadium with his friend Jim.

Haylie receives her trophy from her Coach (Dad).

Haylie's soccer team enjoyed a successful season and finished out with a big party/trophey presentation at our house.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Haylie turns 7

Okay you may not all know this but my baby girl turned 7 last week. We had a great birthday party for her at the field house (indoor soccer). She had a great time and I think the other kids did too! We are so proud of our big 7 year old girl!

Scott Family Camping Lunga Park (Quantico)

Okay, I finally did it..... I agreed to go a tent (something I had not done since Jason and I were dating - when I was trying to get him to marry me) and I must say I had a great time! The kids also had a blast, they got to go frog hunting, boating and roast marshmallows. Jason and I got to see the frogs the kids collected, boating, roast marshmallows and drink quite a bit of beer. As you can also see Jason still has skills in the soccer department! Well, let me put this out there - I will go camping again but please remember to bring the beer! (oh and I am not pregnant - I just look it in that horrible shirt that is now in the Goodwill bag)

Great Wolf Lodge

Well not much has happened since we last blogged but we have been up to some fun adventures. One adventure in particular is our recent trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg, Virginia. We had a blast and as you can see in the pics we did not want to leave!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Cherry Blossom Festival

We braved the cold and the crowds this past weekend and took Jason's mom out to the Cherry Blossom Festival. We had a great time and enjoyed the trees which were beyond beautiful.

Soccer 2008

Haylie has begun playing soccer on an under 8 (years) select team and even though she is one of the youngest on the team she is holding her own. Jason is coaching and loving every practice and game!

Spring 2008

Zach remains our big chocolate lover and as you can see he enjoys every morsel.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Winter 2008

Hello all we hope you are doing well. I know that it has been a while since we last posted so here is a little update of what has been going on in the Scott house. Haylie and Zach (and sometimes Jason) have been busy with gymnastics!

Haylie lost her first tooth shortly after the new year and then lost her second within a few weeks. She was quit happy with what the tooth fairy gave her in exchange and was able to add the funds to the money she had been saving to buy a trampoline. She met her $100 goal and she and her dad went to purchase the trampoline a few weeks ago.